What does it all come down to? Well, it’s been just about five and a half years now and with each year and each month, I come to terms with; what does it all come down too? I guess it comes down to the words she wrote in her very first card she wrote to me. (I still have it today). In it she said; “I am looking forward to a glorious adventure with you!” As I weep and complain on nearly a daily basis with; “My God, why was it so flipping short?”
One of the things I repeatedly said all the time, was; “life is short, so we must enjoy it while we can.” Today, that makes me think of things like Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) which is all part of that, “You get what you focus on” thing. But, I never believed that it was going to ever happen to me, none of us ever do whether we say it or not. Makes me wonder just the same.
No matter what, the bottom line is, a Glorious Adventure, it was. Certainly not a long one, but one incredible adventure just the same.